Dear Bedford Family, 

2022 was a busy year for the Care Team, our efforts included:

  • Hundreds of interactions via phone, text, email and notes with BCC congregants in 2022.
  • Hundreds of prayer encounters, either at the altar after service or privately.
  • Providing over 400 meals to congregants in about 40 situations, plus an additional 400 meals
    for the Emergency Shelter Partnership in December 2021.
  • Helping to connect people with needed Covid19 vaccines
  • Arranging rides to doctor’s appointments, vaccines, physical therapy appointments.
  • Establishment of the BCC Care Corp, a specialized group of congregational volunteers (20+
    people) who work to meet congregational and community needs as they arise.

Romans 13 says “let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law”.

While the primary work of the care department is to identify and meet needs, both those in the congregation, and those in the community, its larger purpose is really to be an expression of love, the love that Christ has called us to as
members of his body. Recognizing and responding to peoples’ circumstances with compassion and
love, requires intentionality, preparation and training. It also requires trust on the part of those seeking help. All of this takes time, but I do believe that in 2022, the BCC family has made great strides in ‘expecting accepting and offering’ care to
one another. I look forward to even more growth in this 2023.

If you or someone on you know ever need care, or could benefit from care please do not hesitate to reachout. Sometimes, what we all need is someone who will listen, pray, or help out in a tangible way.  We, your church and the church, want to care well for each other.  I can be reach through email at or just stop by. 

Praying for you, 
